Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ahh, Transition...

Continued from the last blog post. 

Ahh, transition. I've felt it for a while now. Knowing that one season is coming to an end and a new season is beginning... such exciting discomfort. 

Like I described in my previous blog post, my heart has been awakened to proactive love and the choice to be the hands and feet of Jesus- making the most of every opportunity. This is a choice that I will have to make no matter where I find myself. My heart is not in one particular country, and my home is not in one particular country. My heart and my home are in Jesus. I follow where He leads.

...and friends, He is leading me back to Uganda. 

Last summer, I had an interesting conversation with Pastor Scott Holmes, our district superintendent of the AG in Louisiana. We talked of young people with a desire to reach the world for Jesus, myself included, so often restricted by age, finances, education, or time commitments. Particular sending organizations require certain dollar amounts, a certain degree, or a number of years of experience in such-and-such field of ministry before they will permit a missionary to begin their work- and once they do, these organizations are often very particular in what missions work they allow, in what locations, and the amount of time that a missionary must commit. This is not to speak badly of these organizations- many of them have seen so many people come to Christ! But for a young person like me, with a limited income and an unaccredited degree, this is very frustrating. 

So we began to dream. We talked of a missions training school that would train young people from all over the world in missions work on the mission field. It would be a long enough time commitment that the young person could truly experience the culture and build lasting relationships, but a short enough time commitment that if that young person felt led to return to school or train in another area of ministry after the program was completed, they would be free to do so. There would be Biblical teaching, revealing God's heart for missions as displayed throughout the Bible; and there would be practical application ministry opportunities to see God's heart for missions revealed before us! 


Back in March or April, God gave me an idea to write a missions curriculum. I didn't know what it was for at the time, not until months later. I used some of it as an idea for a small group, but I heard God tell me, build it more. I used some of it when I had classes with the MC students, but I heart God tell me, build it more. And then I was sitting down in the foyer of the church, talking with Pastor Scott and his wife about the dream of a missions training school...

And again, I saw the hand of God that had been at work while I was still in "limbo." 


There is still much work ahead of us, much to be done, much that still hangs mid-air. But I trust God! He has been so faithful throughout the waiting period He called me to, throughout my self-inflicted "limbo," throughout the growing of my heart to love proactively those that He places in my life.

I know He will be faithful in these days ahead. 

My plan is to head back to Uganda in March of 2015 to begin looking at compounds to facilitate this missions training school. I'll also be working on the missions curriculum that God had me begin almost a year prior, as well as building relationships with other ministries that our students can assist during our practical application. 

Pastor Scott will remain actively involved as our spiritual covering and advisor, and he will come to visit and teach the students. His friend Dennis, a Ugandan singer and ministry director, who has helped Pastor Scott and others to grow ministries in Uganda, is on board with us as well, also giving advice and helping to facilitate on-the-ground connections that will make next year easier for me. Also, a friend of mine from Watoto, Thomas, is on board helping with logistics and details. 


So, that's the plan! If you're wondering how you can help, by all means, pray. 

Pray that I will continue to be sensitive to God's leading. 

Pray that as we continue to work out the details of travel, budgets, staff members, and curriculum, that everything would go smoothly and that God's favor would rest on us. 

Pray that as we progress, our hearts will be discerning toward the students God has selected to train with us. 

Pray for the Ugandans that we will be living and working with, that we will build lasting relationships that reflect the love of Christ. 

I will have more information in the weeks to come about how you can pray, and if you feel led to do so, how to contribute financially. 

In the meantime, let the countdown begin!

Ahh, transition... 

The Waiting Room Ended Six Months Ago...

You read that correctly- six months ago. But like every "ending" moment, I had no idea. 

Six months ago, I was still "living in limbo." Culture shock was still a beast, the door back home to Uganda was still not budging, and I was tired and frustrated. I knew I could not wait forever, so I made some proactive decisions. 

I got an apartment and a roommate, I took a part-time position at a retail job, and I told God, "Okay. It looks like you have me here, for whatever reason. I don't like it, it's not what I planned... but I trust You." 

One month later, something dropped in my lap. 

Crossroads Church does an inner-city outreach every Saturday called Crosstown. Students from our Master's Commission and volunteers from our church partner together to present a kid-friendly "church service" at three different locations throughout our city. We sing and dance to praise and worship songs; we play games and give away prizes; and most importantly, we give children and families an opportunity to see the love of Christ. 

It just so happens that one month after I chose to proactively trust God in all circumstances, my church was in need of a director for Crosstown. 

Here's where the details get crazy. One of our MC students, Jordan, had graduated Masters and went to New York for an internship with Metro Ministries (basically a really big, well-established Crosstown). She would be back at Crossroads in December to take the position of Crosstown Director; but in the meantime, they were without a director. 

After much prayer and consideration, I said yes. I had no idea... 

no idea...

what I had just said yes to. 

In August we re-launched Crosstown. By September, we had all three sites back up and running. By October, I knew children at all three sites by name and story...and they knew me, too. By November, I finally began to see the hand of God in the past several months of "limbo." 

While I was still praying for God to take me home to Uganda, He was still resolving cross-cultural conflicts in my heart. While I was pushing on a door that would not open, He was gently expanding my heart, day by day, so that I could love more. While I replayed the face of a starving little girl over and over in my mind's eye, He was preparing me for the face of another little girl who would change my life forever. 

This sweet girl and her two sisters were our faithful congregation at Crosstown. From day one back in August, rain or shine, cold or warm, they came out every Saturday to play with us and learn about Jesus. We were privileged to teach them how God will give them courage to trust Him, no matter what; how we should be thankful in all circumstances; how much God loves them! 

Last week we went out on Tuesday afternoon for our weekly "Crosstown Community," only to hear that these three precious girls had moved out of state. My heart broke. Suddenly, I was hit by a long list of what-ifs. What if this was it? What if Crosstown was the one time in their lives that they would experience Jesus, family, safety? What if I was the one God chose to use to love those little girls unconditionally? 

That's when I realized that limbo was long over. I was no longer sitting around, waiting. I had to love, and love proactively. I had to make the choice each day to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 


Transition is coming, once again. My job as Crosstown Director has been a temporary one, as we all knew when I took it. My dear friend Jordan is back from New York, and she and I will work together over the next month to transition her into the role as I transition out. 

Transition. Ahh, I've felt it for a while. But this time around, I'm not living in limbo. 

...transition. I suppose another blog will be required. 

To be continued.