my life is crazy busy, so a daily entry is next to impossible...
however, one of my favourite quotes is from the movie "Amazing Grace", and it says, "we are too young to know certain things are impossible, so we will do them anyway."
so here's to attempting daily entries, and pictures to catch you up in the mean time:
my childhood best friend came home from her adventures overseas, and we finally got to catch up! it's amazing to see what God has done in both of our lives.
Jeremy got married- and he chose his gal very well. love you, steph!
i went on a road trip with one of my best friends, and here's the scoop on that:
got to see my bug!
got to visit Mercy Ministries, a ministry i love dearly.
got to see my brotha from anotha motha. ;)
got to see one of my favourite people in the entire world: my nana.

after we got home, i successfully cooked! lol
went xmc shopping with my brother- what excitement!

spent the day shopping with my little sister for her birthday.
so this is the past two weeks in a nutshell.
here's to daily entries. c'est la vie.
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