I've been known to have my hands change colours according to the temperature outside. The colder the weather, the bluer my hands. A couple of days ago, I noticed this change in my skin colour was a little more extreme than normal; but because it's happened before, I didn't think twice about it.
Yesterday I started to get concerned. My fingers were a deathly grey-blue colour, and even my parents were questioning my circulation, etc.
I should note that I get queasy talking about medical stuff. Not so much seeing it or experiencing it, but talking about it makes me feel like passing out. Once on a field trip to the hospital, I almost fainted learning about blood types. Medical conversations: no can do.
So talking about my circulation put me in a panic. I ran quickly to the bathroom and held my fingers under hot water for a bit, and that seemed to help, so again I assumed it must be the weather.
Today, however, I took a look at the palms of my hands, and felt myself grow nauseous. Again, a sickly grey-blue colour was spread all over my fingers and palms, to the point that it looked like my hands could just fall off at any minute. My first thought was, "Oh, my gosh, I'm going to die!"
I went to the sink to wash my hands with hot water, and I found my clue. The soap suds in my hands began to turn blue. Baffled, I kept scrubbing the blue off of my hands and watched it drip down the sink.
It dawned on me.
I bought a new pair of jeans about a week ago- the kind you're supposed to wash a million times because of the indigo dye they're made with.
I haven't washed them a million times, and I definitely keep my hands in my pockets like, always.
So my indigo-dye suds and I went to knock on my mom's door... "Mystery solved!"
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7, ESV
Sometimes I panic about things that are overwhelming in the moment, but in the end, God had it the whole time. It wasn't worth me worrying about... it wasn't worth the panic. Even real-life, scary situations are like that. God has it the whole time. Maybe in the end, it will just be indigo dye. Maybe it's something a little more serious, but in everything we are promised the peace of God in our hearts and minds when we bring our worries to Him.
That's today's story. :)
<3, Robin