Monday, October 21, 2013

"First sit!"

I now live in a culture that is known for what is called "Africa time." What that means is a super laid-back culture that lives in the moment. 

I guess when you think about it, living in the moment is the only thing that makes sense here. The past only proves how uncertain their future really is, so now is all most Africans feel they have to live for. This is often reflected in their monetary spending and lack of savings, but it is also, less obviously, seen in the way Africans soak in personal moments.

 In Western culture, time is of the essence. You show up early to work in order to prove you are reliable; you show up at least on time to a dinner engagement with a friend in order to show respect for that person; and if you're running late, you make a phone call and a long speech full of apologies (and excuses). 

Here, things are far more laid-back. Now, especially in bigger, more westernized cities, businesses and NGOs are striving to place value in being on time. However, the priority is still the moment you are in. 

So if you are caught up in deep conversation, you first finish your conversation. 

If you are at a restaurant eating lunch, you first finish your lunch. 

And if you are taking tea, you first finish your tea! 

Heaven forbid you ask for a to-go tea or coffee. 

The waiter will stare at you, mind-boggled, as if you had asked him for the moon, please, and a glass of milk?

He doesn't know you, he doesn't know where you are going or just how important this meeting is going to be. Yet he will reply, "First sit! First sit and take your tea!"

Obviously, whatever you are going to do can wait!

If somehow you manage you make it past the waiter with your to-go tea, people will gawk at you wherever you go. Why on earth would you not first sit and take your tea?!

You might even run into a bold stranger that will fuss at you. "You first sit to take tea!"

By the way, you don't drink tea here. You take it. You take any liquid you would drink. You take milk, water, juice (pronounced joo-iss here), tea, or coffee. 

Do excuse me. I need to take tea. 


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