In Uganda, when it rains, it pours. It's all of a sudden, and it lasts only the amount of time that you're outside walking.
So on Tuesday, Whitney and I got caught in a downpour.
It lasted the whole length of time it took to walk to Bulrushes... and then it stopped. Naturally.
Monday morning was business as usual. We left the apartment at 7:00 AM to be at work for 7:30. Early mornings in Kampala are relatively quiet. There are school kids and businessmen walking along, but each keeps to his own, usually.
Sidewalks in Uganda are inconsistent. There are a lot of red dirt paths on the side of the road, and in some areas there are stepping stones lined up to create a sidewalk, though it's often cracked and aligned strangely. No matter how many times you walk the 30-minute trek to Bulrushes, you use different muscles every time, and therefore lose weight! Lol.
So we're walking along this way, talking and minding our step, when a shot rings out through the early morning fog, followed by smoke.
Have you ever thought to yourself what might your reaction be? A shot rings out in the early quiet... what do you do? Do you run? Do you stay put? Do you yell for help? Do you freeze?
We froze for about twenty seconds, each our faces an open book to the other. "What do we do?"
Just as we were about to make the decision to call a staff member and a taxi, we saw a car pull over with its flashers going. Smoke crept out of either end, and it pulled to a quick halt.
Thirty seconds of my life was stolen away in fear by a car backfiring.
Although we were still shaking, we continued our walk to Bulrushes, laughing at the thought of two Mzungus scared to death of a bad engine.
This weekend will be a huge milestone in my journey, but I'll leave you in suspense until then.
All my love and prayers!
<3, Robin
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