Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Sacred": A Recap and a Dedication

'Twas the night before Christmas Eve, and I was on my way home from work…

Yep, this girl got a job. I'm a temporary sales associate working in the world of retail through the holidays, and I'm really, really thankful. 

As I was saying, one night I left the store after working the late shift. My truck has a classic CD player with six CD slots, so every month or so I typically burn a couple of new CDs. I call each one my "Faves of the Week Playlist, Volume Twelve," etc. It makes me feel like a DJ. Don't judge. :)

Anyway, this particular CD had Switchfoot's "Selling the News" song on it. There's a line in the bridge that says, "When nothing is sacred, there's nothing to lose. When nothing is sacred, all is consumed."

Sacred. What is sacred? I thought. What does that mean?

Again, this was the night before Christmas Eve, so I began a mental list of everything "sacred" that I could think of. Christmas. Jesus. Church? Sure! Sacred...

I looked it up in the dictionary. 

Sacred: adj. "Devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person; made or declared or believed to be holy; worthy of respect or dedication." 

And God whispered, Your heart is sacred to me.


2013 was a defining year for me. I've experienced more than I could ever put into words. I've been on a journey of exploring my faith: 
the Jesus I believe in and Who He actually is; 
the Word I cling to so tightly and how it stands when everything physical fails; 
the righteousness and justice of a God Whose heart breaks for both the unfathomable wrongs of the world and the private, personal worries in my heart. 

I've learned that my faith only grows after it's been challenged; and it's been challenged a lot this year. 
I've seen the smiles of rescued babies; I've seen the peaceful faces of the babies Jesus took home. 
I've made friends around the world; I've learned how to love unconditionally. 

The list goes on; not just things that I've done and learned, but the things that Jesus did, is continuing to do, and is continuing to teach me. My faith is still growing; I'm still learning how to guard my heart and love with everything I have at the same time; and daily I have to choose to trust God. 

He is faithful every time. 

Your heart is sacred to me, He says. He's been faithful with my heart through every circumstance, teaching this little heart to love more, to break more for others and less for me, to be more sensitive to His voice. 


Dear 2014, you have big shoes to fill… but Jesus holds you. He's planned every moment already, and knows what I'll do and what I'll learn. 

Dear Little Heart, I dare you to dream a bit bigger, to love stronger, to not be afraid of what pain will come. I dare you to reach out; I dare you to reach in. Be the light you were created to be. 

Dear Robin, you'll look back someday and read this again. I don't know now where you'll be when you read it, or what circumstances will prompt you to do so. But I hope when you do, you'll read it with new eyes, and learn from it with fresh wisdom. And I hope you never forget:

Your heart is sacred to me. 

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